
Hello, !, the second program improved.

Paul Brown

Okay, so in Prolog when we get user input at the prompt we usually need our user to be wise enough to close their input with a full-stop. Let's demonstrate, in order for this example to work in Tau Prolog you'll need to input a valid atom and terminate in a full-stop (the input will appear to reset but actually append until a full-stop is included). You can try greet/0 with your favorite Prolog implementation, it'll work in most.

% A writeln substitute for the browser
:- use_module(library(js)).
writeln(Text) :-
    prop(alert, Alert),
    apply(Alert, [Text], _).

greet :- 
    atomic_list_concat(['Hello, ', Name, '!'], Msg),

But what if our users weren't so wise? Wouldn't it be nice if you could type in your name without a full-stop? We can replicate the above using JavaScript to compare. In this example you can write your name with a capital letter, without escaping it in single quotes first, and without a full-stop: like most people would.

% A writeln substitute for the browser
:- use_module(library(js)).
writeln(Text) :-
    prop(alert, Alert),
    apply(Alert, [Text], _).

prompt(Msg, X) :-
    prop(prompt, Prompt),
    apply(Prompt, [Msg], X).

greet :-
    prompt('What\'s your name?', Name),
    atomic_list_concat(['Hello, ', Name, '!'], Msg),

That's great and all, except we're hijacking JavaScript to do it, what we need is a solution that'll work in the terminal. Here's one solution that works in SWI-Prolog:

read_string(String) :-
    read_string(Stream, '\n', ' \r', Sep, String0),
    (   Sep \== -1
    ->  String = String0
    ;   String0 == ""

greet :-
    format("Hello, ~w!", Name).

That's not going to appear in a beginner's book anytime soon! Let's break it down.

First we get the current_input(Stream), which by default is your prompt. We then use read_string/5 . It reads from the Stream up to '\n', which is when your user hit return. The argument ' \r' are the characters stripped off the left and right of the string. Sep is -1 if the user terminated the input (for example by Ctrl+D), otherwise we can unify String0 with String and return that.

Try this out, you can skip the full-stop! We're also reading a string, so case is irrelevant. If you like it, there's a more versatile implementation read_line_to_string/2 that can cope with files and other streams, as well as related predicates in the readutil library.

Tags: io