From the hub

Predicate semantics

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Logtalk inherits but also extends and improves Prolog predicate semantics to provide clear and uniform closed world semantics, support protocols, provide consistent meta-predicate semantics, prevent misusing of multifile predicates, and prevent a number of hacks based on predicate directives that would break encapsulation. This post discusses...

Homoiconic Prolog: Explain yourself!

Prolog is rather popular for Expert Systems. Why? Well because it's homoiconic and because we have DCG's, we can reify a query to make it explain itself. That's a lot of jargon, in this post we'll break it down and make some explanations.

Difference Lists Explored

Difference Lists are a very powerful and useful tool. They're also difficult to understand and can result in difficult to read code. In this post we'll address both of these issues.

Functional Prolog: Map, Filter and Reduce

Prolog programs have both logical and procedural meanings. In this post we'll take a look at procedural ideas more commonly associated with functional programming than Prolog, namely: map, filter and reduce (foldl and foldr). We'll code them and then query them.

Prolog Fundamentals Catchup

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Three Prolog fundamentals that I wish I'd understood earlier

Tips on planning, documenting, and testing a SWI-Prolog project

In the process of developing a fairly large SWI-Prolog project, I've developed some experience at using PlDoc — which actually goes beyond being an automated documentation system, doubling as an integrated development environment — and PlUnit, which I'll share here.

A Prolog Language Server

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Announcing my Prolog LSP implementation and discussing how it was implemented